Caring · Sharing · Daring

Our Rector,
Reverend Canon
Roy Woodhams writes...

Welcome to our website.  Whether you are a Church member, or a visitor from near or far, I’m delighted that you have found your way to this website page and I hope you find what you are looking for.


St Nicolas Church is proud to be a church which is Caring, Sharing and Daring as we seek to reach into the heart of our community in Cranleigh with the light of God’s love.  It is our hope and prayer that all who visit us may feel welcomed in that love, refreshed in God’s beauty, and closer to his embrace.


I am always struck by this well-known prayer by Bishop Thomas Ken (1637-1711), which is found inscribed on the door of St Stephen’s Church, Walbrook, in London.  It is my prayer for our church and those who come to it:

Make the door of this house wide enough to receive all who need human love and  fellowship, and a heavenly father's care; and narrow enough to shut out all envy,

pride and hate.

Make its threshold smooth enough to be no stumbling block to children, nor to straying feet, but rugged enough to turn back the temptor's power: make it a gateway to

thine eternal kingdom.


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Children & Families

We are committed to serving, teaching, learning from, and worshipping with all children and families who wish to grow their faith in Jesus.

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Groups & Events

The family of St Nicolas Church is one of musicians, artists, historians, bakers, writers, scientists and more! Join us and use your gift to serve God and our church community.

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Life Events

As a church community, we are here to share in each stage of your life's journey: 


Blessing new life with God's love

A Baptism (or Christening) is the traditional service in which water is poured over the child's head. In the services, the parents and godparents promise to bring up the child in the Christian faith. It is also an opportunity to celebrate the birth or adoption of a child, and to thank and praise God for this miracle!


Seeking answers and growing in faith

Confirmation is for teenagers and adults who have been baptised as children and who wish to ‘confirm’ the promises made by their parents and godparents. In preparation for the Confirmation service, individuals join in a group preparation course in which they learn about and grow in their faith.


Joining together, through God

As Christians, we believe that marriage is a gift from God and the most solid foundation upon which to build a family. The marriage service is the joining, before God, of a couple in a life-long relationship. We are here to help you arrange and plan your special day with us at St Nicolas.  


Leaving loved ones in God's care

Through death, our loved ones proceed into God's keeping. For those of us who remain behind, however, this can be a sad time as we grieve the loss of a life on Earth. The Church has an important place in supporting people through grief in a variety of ways, beginning with the Funeral service.

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