Roy Woodhams
Roy has been Rector of St. Nicolas since 2013. Having trained for Ministry at Ripon College, Cuddesdon, Roy brings with him much experience from a former career in teaching and the world of music (he is an organist and pianist), as well as from previous incumbencies in rural Oxfordshire and the Parish of Fleet in North-East Hampshire.
Roy is passionate about sharing God’s love through the local church and community and will always make himself available to those who would like to talk. Roy is also Area Dean of Cranleigh, and an Honorary Canon of Guildford Cathedral.
Roy is married to Kate (who teaches in the local St Cuthbert Mayne Roman Catholic Primary School), and they have two daughters: Beth (who is a scientist completing research in the Faculty of Atmospheric Sciences at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany) and Martha (who leads the operations at an auction house which specialises in fine musical instruments in Berlin). Roy’s hobbies (in addition to his musical pursuits) include walking, travel, steam railways and cooking.
01483 800655

Erik Heemskerk
Erik is our Curate and assists in this full-time role Roy and the ministry team in the day-to-day ministry in the parish.
Erik is originally from The Netherlands but moved to the UK four years ago when he started training for ordination at Wycliffe Hall in Oxford. He is married to Rosemarie and together they have twin girls Nora and Sophie who are now almost three years old.
He loves spending time with his children, football, pubs, discussing theology (his specialisation is early Christian theology and history, but he'd enjoy talking about all areas of theology), history, and literature. He also likes to get around Cranleigh on his bike – please contact him with the details below if you’d like a chat about anything!

Rodney Hill
Retired CLergy
Rodney and Theresa have been with us in Cranleigh since September 2023 having moved from Oxford in retirement.
Their plan was to be closer to their daughter and family in the village and son and family in Guildford.
Rodney originally trained for ordination with the Community of the Resurrection whilst studying for a first degree at Leeds University 1964-1967. Following university he pursued a career in Personnel Management gaining a post graduate diploma from Aston University in 1969. He is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.
Until retirement in 2003 Rodney’s working life included senior management roles in industry and the health services.He also has experience of the charity sector.
In 2004 Rodney was selected to continue full-time ordination training at Ripon College, Cuddesdon and in 2005 was ordained in Christchurch Cathedral,Oxford. Rodney served in several Oxford parishes including Osney Benefice and Summertown before moving to Surrey.
As a member of Cranleigh’s ministry team Rodney is primarily involved in supporting village churches around Cranleigh as required.
Rodney’s hobbies and interests include DIY, music (singing), travel, reading , gardening and wide ranging grand- parenting duties!

Claire Oxborough
Discovery Leader
I've been involved in Church, in one way or another, all my life. I'm married to Tim and together we have 4 children. I enjoy taking long walks with the family and our dog, Marty McFly. I also love to read, knit, collect yarn (turns out this is a different hobby to actually using it) and spending time with friends.

Peter Hancock
Honorary Assistant Bishop
Peter served as the Bishop of Bath and Wells from 2014 to 2021, having previously been the Bishop of Basingstoke, a suffragan bishop in the Diocese of Winchester, from 2010 to 2014.
Peter was born in Kent and grew up on the Isle of Wight, then in Fareham, Hampshire. He took a first degree at Selwyn College, Cambridge, before training for ordained ministry at Oak Hill Theological College.
Peter and his wife have four adult children. He is enjoying retired life in Surrey and looking forward to what lies ahead.

Michael Clarke
Director of Music
Michael has almost 50 years’ experience in performing, directing, arranging and composing music, and has been Director of Music here at St Nicolas since 1992. He plays the organ for most services, directs the choir and leads our music group in the full spectrum of Christian music, from Tallis and Bach, through Stanford and Rutter, to Kendrick, Townend and Hillsong...

Nicola Craven-Smith
Office Administrator
Nicola is our Parish Administrator and enjoys assisting the clergy, congregation and the wider community in the day to day running of St Nicolas. Outside of work Nicola is Mum to her 7-year-old twins who do their best to keep her busy!

Brian Boxall
Safeguarding Officer
Brian is the Parish Safeguarding Officer. He works with the PCC to ensure that the Parish applies the Diocesan Safeguarding policy and procedure. Brian ensures that members of the church involved with children and vulnerable adults are recruited correctly and trained to the appropriate level.
He believes that the church should be a place in which the most vulnerable individuals, adults or children, are safe and feel supported. Brian continues to work in the role to help St Nicolas remain a safe place. If you have concerns, please contact Brian directly.
01483 273620

Graham Lucas
Tower Captain
Graham took over the role of tower captain in 2023. We have a team of committed bell ringers and are always on the look-out for new members.
If you are over 12 years old you can join us! You do not need to be musical, mathematical or strong, and we welcome people of all faiths or none.
Susan Clarke
Church Warden
Susan has lived in Cranleigh for over 30 years and has been a member of St Nicolas Church throughout that time.
Susan works closely with her fellow churchwarden, the Rector and curate to ensure the smooth running of Sunday services, in particular arranging for welcoming people into the church, also addressing any concerns they may have. She ensures our activities and premises are covered by risk assessments and that our First Aid certifications are up to date.
The church has many volunteers and committees who keep the church functioning and Susan strives to support them wherever possible with encouragement, practical help and in feeding back any ideas or problems to the Rector or Church Council.

Alan Walton
Church Warden
Alan took over the role of Church Warden, alongside Susan, in 2023
The responsibilities of a churchwarden are many and varied, including care and maintenance of the church buildings and churchyard, representing the laity of the parish and supporting the incumbent and clergy in their duties.
As a church leader the role of churchwarden together with the clergy and PCC, includes supporting everyone in their personal faith journeys through prayer and discipleship. To enhance an inclusive community of worship within the parish and beyond.

Paul Jenkins
PCC Secretary
The Secretary is appointed by the Church Council at the first meeting after the Annual Parochial Church Meeting and at the same time as other council officers for a term of one year. The Secretary is responsible for setting the Agenda for Church Council meetings, taking the minutes, accurately reporting the decisions of the council, and publishing the same in a timely manner.
Once a year the Secretary makes sure all the legal formalities for the Annual Parochial Church Meeting are met, elections are carried out and all that information is relayed to the charity commission, Guildford Diocese. The Secretary is one of the main points of contact between the Diocese and the Church council and works with the Rector to ensure the smooth passage of council business.
The Role of the PCC
The Parochial Church Council (PCC) meetings are to discuss matters affecting the life of the Church and the Village of Cranleigh. The council is made up of members of the clergy, elected officers and members of the congregation who are elected as their representatives. Elected PCC members usually serve a 3 year term.
Members of the PCC are also the Trustees of the Church and are legally responsible to the Charity Commission for the activities and financial security of the Church.
You can find the Minutes of the Council using the link below, as well as minutes of the Annual Meeting at which elections are made and finances reported. Please note the minutes are published as quickly as possible and may not have been approved yet.