02/07/2024 0 Comments
Board Games Afternoon
Board Games Afternoon
# News

Board Games Afternoon
Back in the day, adults playing a board game generally meant a small number of ‘classic’ games such as Monopoly, Cluedo or Risk, or maybe a party game like Trivial Pursuit, being trotted out at Christmas –– and anything else (Dungeons & Dragons, wargaming…) was a bit niche.
All that began to change in the mid-1990s, when a number of new, talented board game designers started to emerge, producing new ‘classics’ such as Catan, Carcassonne or Ticket to Ride. Since then there has been a huge upsurge of interest and activity in board gaming as a hobby, with thousands of new board and card games now published every year, and board game shops and cafés established across the country. Games have never been better designed or more fun to play, and it’s fair to say that board gaming has now become truly mainstream.
Our Board Games Afternoon on 9th March will give you the chance to try out some modern board and card games for yourself! We’ll have a large and varied selection of games available, focusing especially on those that are easy to learn and quick to play, with many games suitable for children as well as adults, and refreshments will be provided.
Drop in for as little or long as you like, but it would be helpful for planning if you could contact Nicola Craven-Smith in the Church Office (nicola@stnicolascranleigh.org.uk) as far in advance as possible to register your interest. Meanwhile if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask me, Susan, or any member of the Social Committee.
